Play and Lose Weight Now ?

09 Mar

You can make exercise fun while losing that weight!

Exercising is one of the most frustrating things that you can engage in when trying to lose that weight, especially if you have been doing it for a while with no results to show for your hard work.

In today’s society, people are led to believe that they can lose a huge chunk of weight with no exercise. Let’s be real here guys, ask your self this question, “how far can a car drive just sitting in one place?” The engine isn’t started, the gas is low and no driver is in the seat. NO WHERE! The longer it stays in that position, it decays and becomes useless.

However, the more it is being used is the better it becomes at performing it’s functions and able to excel. This is exactly what you are doing to your body by failing to do some form of exercise regularly. Now, before you start complaining about family, work and other responsibilities, a.k.a ‘excuses’. Know that there are activities we engage in throughout the day that we can capitalize on and reap the benefits derived from exercise. Why not make it fun, play if you don’t want to exercise. You will not feel the pain and become more revitalized, also stay youthful.

What I would like to talk about today is all the exercises we did as children. Oh you don’t remember exercising? Of course, we all exercised as children, only it was called playing!

Let’s take a look back at what we played back then that gave us plenty of exercise.

Jump Rope. What girl (and boy) did not jump rope when they were young? This was big I know for my age group. Either jumping rope alone or girls in groups, it was done on a daily basis at times. This activity exercised many parts of the body. If you did it alone, you exercised your upper body as well as your hips and legs. If in a group normally two girls stood one at each end of a longer rope and swung the rope around to make an arch large enough for others to come into and start jumping. Sometimes one, two, even three girls at a time would jump. Then the jumpers took turns turning the rope. Same areas of the body were exercised in either method.

Hopscotch. The hopscotch course we used to play with are a fond memory. We used to draw them on our driveways in chalk. They could be made in various patterns and typically the squares in them were numbered from 1 through 10. You could jump right through, and then come back making sure to jump with a foot in each square as you landed. Sometimes the numbers were side by side and other times they were in a single row. The singles you did with one foot. You could also use a marker throwing it to land on a square you then had to jump through the course, and pick up the stone without losing your balance, and then finish the course. Of course, many times the boys would kick the marker as they jumped through the course. This was great exercise along with teaching us balance.

Hula Hoop. This was a challenge to many to keep them twirling around their waists. Others did it with ease. What a fun way to exercise the hips and waist. Also your legs got a workout too. Then smaller hula hoops came out for the arms and even legs. People learned how to keep them spinning around their appendages.

Riding Bicycles. Before there was so much traffic on the roads car wise, kids and teenagers road their bicycles everywhere. It is still this way in many parts of the country today too. Many miles were covered while having fun.

Now think about when you started having a weight problem. Was it after you quit playing like this as a child? That might be something to ponder. How about playing like a child again, and get exercise while doing it. Doesn’t this sound like a fun way to burn calories? Sure it does, contact us today for a free personal guide!

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Posted by on March 9, 2012 in Exercise & Fitness


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